I finished this one a week or so ago, but I've only just realised that it's a Project 200 piece. My Mum's friend had started to make herself a scarf but was bored of it, so asked me to do it. I used a Project 200 pattern, but because it was a commission piece, I forgot about the Project 200 aspect.
He's a Pokemon apparently. I've never watched/seen/played Pokemon, but there are a lot of them in my Project 200 folder because they're just so darned cute.
I'm not too sure how I feel about this one. There's a bit of a story to go with it. When I was putting together the list of projects for the challenge, I picked a cross stitch piece of the mask from the Phantom of the Opera. When I actually decided to work that piece I had a problem. There was shading... about four different colours, but no key. I didn't know which colours to use. I couldn't remember where I'd gotten the pattern from. Somewhere on the internet, ages and ages ago. I googled, a lot. I searched for a couple of days to try and find the pattern again, so I could find the key, but I couldn't find it anywhere. So I redrew it. Sketched the shape a billion times until it was right, then added some shading. But I only used one shade other than the white, and I'm not an artist so I don't know the art of shading. But I did it. And I stitched it, eventually.
Half of me isn't sure it turned out too well, but I look at it sideways I think it worked. So I'm a little dubious, but it's done, so I can move on.
I've been a bit lacking in the news front, I know, but I'm trying to adjust that. I restart my social life in a few weeks, so there'll be lots of chaos and madness and events to talk about :-)
In recent news though a few days ago was my 16th embroiderversary.
I can't be sure of the actual date I first started doing cross stitch. It feels like I've been doing it forever. And I have trouble distinguishing a time line for my memories, but I definitely remember doing cross stitch in the back garden with my step-mother when I was 12, so a few years ago (when I first decided to start marking these silly anniversaries) I picked a date in August at random. So there you go. 16 years (minimum) of doing cross stitch.
To commemorate, here are some of the pieces I've been working on. Yes, they're Christmas motifs. Yes, I'm aware that it's the summer. But I'm making Christmas cards to sell in the Etsy store I'm setting up soon.
As you all know, I've recently taken to baking. I'm also very very messy. So I made myself an apron. It's a reasonably good one too. I love the dotty fabric. And it's all hemmed by hand because I don't have a sewing machine. Let's not mention how many gazillion yards of fabric it took because I'm a heffer.
The ramblings on this blog may rarely make sense. They may be humorous or depressing or hyperactive or downright boring. They represent the thoughts of a slightly insane kinky, bisexual, creative, stitcher, knitter, reader, film-lover, writer, Brownie leader. Read on at your own risk.